Everything is better with Bourbon bacon or beer.


I write stuff.

  • to infinity

    Probably should play catch up after 3 months of silence, but no….. I will start with the now and onward.

  • $175 million dollars

    sooooo tonight could have been one of those booger flicking nights but it isn’t. I’m enjoying just being. Watching the fantastic eyebrows talk about his race car, seeing the enormous power button on the xbox 360 flicker as halo3 powers down, talking about best ways to rid my parents of…

  • tonight, tonight, wo-oh

    tonight has been way gnarly… I’m writing this after the funeral of one of our town’s most beloved bartenders. I’m also writing this after 3 (okay in real people terms 6) shots of Bushmills Irish Whiskey. So be warned my grammar may be waaay off of it’s normal mark. Whatever……

  • eating it too

    wtf mate? I think I must be an idiot. Wait, I know I’m an idiot. I got hit on by someone available, handsome, successful and entirely inappropriate. I let him because I needed it. I let him because my need to be complimented goes unfilled. I sit here watching the…

  • I’m a what???

    A couple weekends ago my roommate and I hosted a bonfire – “Burnin Down the Toxins” we called it. (If you listened you could hear burnin down the house as well as disco inferno.) We have both been through divorces in the fairly recent past and are both cleaning out…

  • I want it to be pink, pretty. I want it to smile and feel warm.

  • uuuggghhh

    I’ve been sitting in front of this screen for twenty minutes with stuff to say… I keep getting distracted. I’ll be back.

  • bubble bubble toil and what?!

    When something breaks your writers block… speak! I just did my taxes for ’06. Can we say wake up call??? Yeah (shaking head in sadness). It’s very defeating to realize that you made 14 thousand dollars less than the year before. Yes that was one four. The $7,000 pay cut…

  • next up: martin luther king, jr. day

    12/24/06 ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house. . . absolutely nothing was happening. Thus leaving me feeling completely alone and very sad. I have no real reason to be all up in my head like this, but. . . there’s always a but isn’t there? This…

  • if you show up at my desk – bring chocolate

    The flood of things on my mind is completely overwhelming. I went from not being able to write anything to having so much that I can’t get it all out. I’ll try and we’ll see where it all goes. I got this new job and it’s so much fun. Some…