I love to learn. Ya know that stupid sham-wow thing they show on late night TV (really annoying dude with the ear thing…), where it can absorb 10 times more than other sponges, yeah… that’s me. I will watch the Discovery Channel, read about, listen to some expert on just about anything that has even the slightest bit of whatever-it-is to catch my attention. I’m that person you know that knows a little bit about a lot of things. This probably starts with my overwhelming hatred of boredom, but really takes root in my desire to connect with others I love. Growing up I was always the “know-it-all”. It wasn’t said with kindness and it didn’t get me popularity points. Now I’m the one those bastards call when they need to find an answer to some crazy question or just need to figure out where to find it. Whatever, I digress. This desire to know about everything has led me down some interesting paths. I’ve often had to defend myself when being accused of liking something just because someone else does. Maybe in the most literal sense, if I didn’t already have a liking before I knew that person, that might be true. But more often than not, I just like it and want to learn more about it. Now don’t get me wrong… There are areas where I am quite knowledgeable and others where I excel. But I find myself at a crux. I know about and like so many things that I don’t have something I am passionate about. I started down a path to find it and I wasn’t looking in the right place or maybe it was just the wrong path altogether. As I moved along I found a comfortable spot by a strong, tall tree and just stopped there. It looked like a great spot, nice and warm (I love warm.). I started studying the tree and what was right around it. So much goodness surrounded the tree and tree itself was amazing. I know so much about the tree. I can tell you how it is young yet, there are moments when it seems like it’s carried those branches for far too long. I can tell you how very strong it is, yet it’s core is tender, breakable. And if you can find a way to peel back the thick layer of bark that protects it from everything, both good and bad, there is something sweet there. Not very often, but once in a while you find it. I can tell you all the ways the tree has changed while I was there feeling protected from everything… even myself. I need to start down the path again, leave the comfort of what I already know. I need to find the path that’s a bit harder but maybe easier too. The path where I learn what I like, what I am passionate about. Maybe I can see the trees for the forest.
Mighty Oak
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