If you build it, they will come….
If you sit and stare at it, words will appear…
That should work right? Okay lack of words is not the problem, it’s too many swirling in my head and not really knowing how to string them together in some coherent way that someone other than myself may want to read. Then again, is that the point? Well, it seems it’s become the point and that may be my issue. I seem to have lost that abandon with which I used to approach my writing. Back then I would sit at some random place with some random beer and write (yes with a pen) the skeleton of what would become my next blog. I continued writing merrily when the pen gave way to the portability of a 15# brick of a laptop. During the brick era is when I found I had readers. I panicked a little (someone reads my shit???) but trudged on affording protection to the guilty, only because I myself wished to remain anonymous. And then all shit hit the fan. I found out family read my shit. Maybe not regularly, maybe not even often, but they did.
well fuck.
The words in my head ceased to allow themselves out through my fingers. And before you say at least had a journal… uh no, the words weren’t hap-nin there either.
well fuck.
Periodically I’d be inspired by something and sorta safe writing would happen. I’d even had a brief reprieve from the verbal constipation while I changed up all my psych meds and had no filter (not a chance bitches, don’t even think it… you shut your pie hole or I will cut you). And on occasion I can still tap into that filter-less freedom. But not often.
Do you realize that when you write a blog it is basically a journal to which you’ve given the world a key. Like it or not anyone… that’s EH-KNEE-ONE can stumble upon your shit or troll for your shit if they really want. Even the most careful person leaves behind crumbs that someone could follow (note you’ve never seen my face and I’ve never said anyone’s name. And no, my parents were not angry activists or suffering from a trauma leaving their tongues partially paralyzed causing them to think hey… sars is a good name for a girl.). So when you start venting about your sister-cousin and her giant goiter… if she can operate her nubbin, she can read your shit. And when you got pissed because you had to lance mama’s boil for the sixth time because she didn’t want the hawt young Dr. Thibodaux to see she’d put on “some weight”… If she can get uncle LeRoy to show her how to find “Dr. Oz on the computer thang”, she can read your shit. Thus I filter. Though I have no sister-cousin or Uncle LeRoy, I do have this ‘I’m not catholic’ “Catholic Guilt” that plagues me. It tells me if I write about my mom or sister or a friend in a not so glowing light, they will read it and be offended. (They probably just felt me type that and will know they have to check my blog) I could just be good ‘ol fashioned venting, but they’ll never know and think it’s something different. And since my anonymity is shot there – my family and friends know who I am… ugh.
So I filter.
well fuck.
At this moment I have a head full of things ready to tumble out but I filter. BUTT… (that was a big butt for those still playing) I have things to say. Things I want, need to say.
I have touched on having a behavioral health disorder (the preferred term around here – I honestly don’t give a fuck what you call it, as long as after you find out you still call me friend) that has been “classified” Bipolar II (and even then, that is a label more for insurance than me). Basically (the super dumb version) is depression with periods of “hypomania” or not quite mania. For me this is linked to anxiety. (yay!) This is a tough topic to broach sometimes as there are those that don’t understand because its all “psycho-babble mumbo jumbo”. And when writing, I don’t preface with: ‘Warning this blog contains bipolar content or mom look away, I’m talkin’ about being fucking nutter right now!’ However, it gets across in a roundabout way sorta. Because I filter the fuck out of things when I am cycling instead of embracing the moment and letting my filter go. According to my besties, I am my funniest, do my best writing when I am anxious. Lots of jokes get made about being bipolar – I make jokes about being a Gemini and bipolar, but the reality is I got off easy because mania is a bitch. I will cut my tangent short here and save it for a depressed day.
Basically what I’m saying is my filter is clogged and I don’t want to pressure wash it. As Zimm said, I’d have to wring it out because you can’t stick that shit in the dryer it won’t fit anymore! So, I’m just gonna leave it at the curb. Let the er Engineers take it with them along with all the other waste. Filter-less writing is better writing.
Sometimes it’s just like that… you have to apologize in advance to the people you love because your intent is not to hurt their feelings. But you just need to say what you need to say, even though you have made clear before “if you don’t like it, don’t read my shit”. This time – it’s a pointed warning. So here it is, and you may never see it again:
~posted from my tablet thingy~
My mom still can’t wrap her head around the whole “blog thing.” Well, those aren’t the exact words she uses because she says it in Korean, but just imagine those words loosely translated with a look of disdain and confusion.
Well it doesn’t sound like the filter is clogged much – that was a very engaging read. And I think your anonymity is pretty cool actually – instead of distracting us with your personal stuff it allows us readers to focus on the words you put on the page – which as you know I find very readable. The issue of privacy and family is a tough one – my Dad has been mortified by some things I’ve revealed on my blog (note to self: playing Truth or Dare with your readers is a BAD idea!) but ultimately I treat my blog as an extension of my psyche or personal space – whatever you want to call it. Entry is optional and once inside its my rules or nothing – if you don’t like it, go and whimper behind the couch.
You may sometimes find it hard to balance your need for personal expression and your desire not to offend – only you can draw that line in the sand. But whatever, and whenever, you DO post, there will be some of us waiting without preconception to enjoy what you share with us.
You fucking nutter.
I can see your dad being disturbed by the truth or dare… Thank you always for the kindness, encouragement and who knows what you may get now that I’ve thrown that shit to the waste.
yay team.
Bring on the full-force madness, I say. Can’t wait to see what you come up with now the blinkers are in the bin and the dogs are off the chain!!
Bloggers of the World, Unite!! We have nothing to lose but our few remaining shreds of dignity!!!
will do, there are things a brewin.
And I think you may be the only person to call me a nutter and it make me smile.
My mother read my blog once and got so angry that she deleted her Facebook account and dropped off the Internet. Funny, after that I really didn’t have anything else to write about her. :)
I don’t even want to write about her directly so much or any of my family, but when I do…. Never taken the correct way.
It’s about Fahking time! :)
seriously… That fucking thing was clogged and messy. so bad.