apparently shit was pent up….

Remember that scene from A Clockwork Orange where he’s in the institution getting well and they’re showing him the pictures? You know, the one where they have that crazy freakin eye contraption propping his lids wide open so he can’t stop himself from watching the ultra-violence? I want one. Maybe it will train my eyes to stay open even when I’m tired or more accurately, bored. Absolutely the worst thing in the world is boredom. It leads to sadness, depression, anger and a host of other bad things I shouldn’t be dealing with right now. So I’m sleepy at my desk. Maybe just some toothpicks, I can prop them apart with those. That little pain thing will only increase the likelihood that I won’t doze off.

So a couple of things to rant about… it’s been a while and I feel the need to bitch about stuff completely unrelated to me. Okay, not completely, but you know what I mean.

The gov, Arnie, ye old governator, has decided it’s in our best interest to chop 4.5 billion (yes that’s BILLION with a “B”) dollars from education. Hhhmmmm does anyone else see a problem here? How does he expect to increase revenue with uneducated people in the next generation? And funny, it is statistically (I have also witnessed this firsthand given my former job) proven that the less educated, the more likely to commit crimes and abuse drugs. So guess what, dumb fuck…. we’ll be paying that 4.5 billion somehow so let’s do it on the front side for good, rather than the backside to clean up the shit. Who voted this ass clown into office?

I still hate uggs and skirts/shorts. Stupid drivers are running amuck and no body is stopping them, but they sure are giving out a bunch of tickets for turning left over a double yellow on local roads. And if it isn’t the Jameson, then Cadbury mini eggs will be the death of me.

Tomorrow is hump-day yay! That’s all for now.

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About Sars

I am the full time rider/conductor of the Bi-Polar Express (2.oh!) Welcome to my ride. Please keep hands and feet inside the pretty pink car at all times, for your safety of course. Rose colored glasses are not only encouraged, but required.