not quite picasso

I have this gadget on my igoogle. It gives me a new Buddhist quote for everyday. I don’t read them everyday. Today I decided to read it and this was there:

If only I could throw away the urge to trace my patterns in your heart, I could really see you. ~ David Brandon

The patterns of the heart are beautiful. From their beginning they are perfect unto themselves. I love hearts, I always have. Enough to have three of them permanently embedded in my skin. Each with it’s own pattern and style. One for my brother. A reminder (for me) of the heart’s strength against bindings that others place on it and it’s ability to heal over time. When my brother got this heart on his sleeve it meant something very different to him. But it’s a pattern that will be the same for each of us over time. Sort of like the dna we share. We both have a fragility that we try to hide yet there it is on our sleeve for us to be reminded. Then I have the bold and powerful heart. Winged and mighty it’s a juxtaposition of sorts… kind of like my personality. They say the Gemini is the twin, the dualist, the yin and yang within one person… It too has a unique pattern that is perfect in it’s way.

These are actual patters made by the hand, but the heart is really made of a pattern that is formed over time. Our loves and losses, those that love us or pretend too, all stamp a pattern in our heart. Even the loves we didn’t know or think about, our family and friends, make a pattern. Sometimes beautiful and glowing or raw and scarred all sewn together. It’s sad to think that I’ve tried to cover them with creations of my own. Stretching a canvas of my need over the patterns that make someone who they are. Today was a good reminder to take my canvas elsewhere. A reminder to keep an eye out for my own heart. My pattern is beautiful too. I forget so easily that I am a part of the equation. That canvas needs to be put to use on my own heart… Making a new cover for where the scars are. The ones so deep that I’m the only one that goes there. I think I’ll get some new brushes…

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About Sars

I am the full time rider/conductor of the Bi-Polar Express (2.oh!) Welcome to my ride. Please keep hands and feet inside the pretty pink car at all times, for your safety of course. Rose colored glasses are not only encouraged, but required.