
me: “So… whatcha up to?”

MO: “listening to polka”

me: “What? Where? Better yet… Why???”   “Nevermind, I think I found you”

Thus began a surprisingly fun and silly evening of beer, babes and well, you get the idea…

As I walked across the street into my favorite little writing spot, I realized my idea of siting with a beer and penning out thoughts of liking my dog (or even my coffee tale) more than people were going to be put on hold. The polka stylings would not have been enough, my favorite boys sitting in back may not have been enough… but group my favorite boys with not just polka stylings, but polka covers of some very unexpected tunes and well.. funny shit and good times.

There are some things you may expect from a fun polka cover band that are outside the norm. You expect lyrics to be changed to suit the German beer drinking bratwurst eating theme… You do not expect a ten minute drum solo in the middle of Ina Gada de Vida. You also don’t expect to be polka-ing while burning in a Ring of Fire. Hell, there were a ton of things I didn’t expect…. I didn’t know I’d be asked to Whip It good while Fighting for my Right to “drink beer!”.  Nor did I know a Sharp Dressed Man would be Jumping like David Lee Roth, I mean David Lee Brat while Mama got Her Squeeze Box. There was a White Wedding that was Too Sexy for the Humpty Dance; Someone was Puttin on the Ritz down a Country Road when they saw some Smoke on the Water so they decided they needed another Brick in the wall before calling in the “Bavarian Rastafarian” (I can’t make this shit up) to “Drink Two Beers” in the mornin, then Drink Two Beers at night. I think the only thing that could possibly be considered expected – and thats a huge stretch is the Ramstein song and that”s only because they are German.

For the most part I watched MILFs, cougars and children alike shake whatever they had. I laughed my (no existent) ass off and  hoisted my stein to a very fun evening. I guess the rant about stupid people will have to wait until another day. It is Oktoberfest after all and I have beers to raise, brats to eat and everybody needs to polka! or something like that.  I think I hear Iron Man… Polka gone Ozzy!!!! What?

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About Sars

I am the full time rider/conductor of the Bi-Polar Express (2.oh!) Welcome to my ride. Please keep hands and feet inside the pretty pink car at all times, for your safety of course. Rose colored glasses are not only encouraged, but required.