
The paperwork is filed and in a matter of days the psycho will receive a rude awakening… Oh her shui will be nicely fenged when she has to show up to court at 9am and realize that her threatening little note is going to cost her two grand. That started Friday off nicely (except the freakin court fees… sheesh!) I did not, however get a chance to conquer the jet ski. If you want to go in the lake at 70 degrees and windy as hell, be my guest… I’ll be here with a towel for ya when you are done. Plus… hill-billy (this is the nicest, most “pc” way I could think of to say it) hell is not so much fun for girls that respect other people and have at least an ounce (or 22) of class. It’s one thing when you know half the valley is going to be invading your lake. You expect it. You don’t expect your friends (not really mine per se, but since I was there with him, his are mine) to take on their qualities. Or invite friends with their qualities thus causing the snowball effect. Have some respect people. If not for other people’s kids, then for the ones you brought with you. Yes, bringing a 2 year old to a drunken debaucherous weekend at the lake may sound like a good idea… but no. It really isn’t the ideal place for sun and fun with youngins. I know, I know… you couldn’t get a babysitter. Well… choices, choices (the pill/condoms are your friend and if all else fails shut your legs!). If you were not bringing your 6 other hootchie friends and meeting up with another 6 equally brainy bro’s then maybe the sitch might have been okay. As it stood, the brain power, as well as the age went down as the hour on the clock went up. Who invited all these ass clowns anyway??? Staying up until 4am in a tightly packed camp with several children present and people sleeping (I use the term loosely) 5 feet away. Oh well, they matched paces with the fuckstick across the way proudly flying his 6 foot rebel flag. Ah yes… mr big brain over there only over shadowed by the idiot of ethnic decent sitting next to me who didn’t understand why it was a racist symbol… hhhmmm Have you taken a us history class? (even a standard issue class that you get will teach you this) Whatever. We left on Sunday before noon and left all of the hill-billy love behind.

The jet ski will hold, and I can simmer a bit more over how triumphant it will be. And my wounds get another week to heal and turn that fantastic shade of green that bruises turn. I think they match my eyes though.

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About Sars

I am the full time rider/conductor of the Bi-Polar Express (2.oh!) Welcome to my ride. Please keep hands and feet inside the pretty pink car at all times, for your safety of course. Rose colored glasses are not only encouraged, but required.